Frequently Asked Questions
The maximum amount of people for the tours are six. We do take seriously the word PRIVATE TOURS.
For most tours, the minimum booking requirement is just one person. If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to ask, and we'll be happy to assist you.
It is important to dress appropriately for the weather so that you will be as comfortable as possible on your trip. Please wear warm layers, waterproof jacket and outdoor trousers or leggings avoiding jeans where possible. We also strongly suggest that you have a hat, scarf and gloves as it can get windy and you will also protect your hands from the ice which can be both cold and sharp.
We do not expect to cancel the tours due to regular rain. However, if the weather conditions pose a safety risk, we will cancel the tour. In such cases, we provide clients with the option to either reschedule or receive a refund for the tour.
You could have some lunch with you, but we will provide you also with some local snacks and warm coffee.
Cancellations with more than 48hrs notice before departure of the trip will be fully refunded.
Hyperborea does not provide the attendee with insurance of any kind. Similar to all international travel, we highly advise purchasing a travel insurance policy in your home country. A policy that covers your expenses in case of short-notice cancellations.